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Due to the identity verification error by the FBI in the ATOCHA case, March 11, 2004.


On SEPTEMBER 1, 2004, the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY OF DACTILOSCOPY was born in order to generate a resounding change and bring together all the Fingerprint experts in Harmony and in the Community. From 2006 to 2007 it changed its name to "ACLO" ASOCIÓN COLOMBIANA DE LOFOSCOPIA. In 2008 it resurfaces with new ideas and with technological advances in our favor, we take advantage of free Internet services such as social networks and free web pages, so in 2008 the idea of the Scientific Community is reborn with greater force of Papiloscopia, being a small interactive group for the dissemination of works, unification of concepts and criteria among its members, rapidly grew and it became necessary to adapt its name to our coverage, the International Scientific Community of Fingerprint, with its rapid growth it was considered the The urgency of Legalizing and registering it in order to avoid plagiarism and to achieve greater seriousness and commitment on the part of the members, and of us towards society and to be able to carry out inter-institutional agreements, was thus that the figure that best suited our training was the denomination of Corporation, this is how the same date of its creation was chosen to be registered, being legally registered on September 1, 2011  as CORPORACIÓN SCIFICA INTERNACIONAL DE DACTILOSCOPIA, CCIDD, in the motor city and producer of oil energy in Colombia, the city of Barrancabermeja, being the second city in the Department of Santander; a vigorous, enterprising and peace-loving breed.


ENROLLMENT  # 9000502756

Nit registration. 900473002-9

Legal Status 10264,


Despite being a young union, its formation, as we have explained, obeys specific ideas defined since 2004 in the Atocha case, always limited by the economic factor, with a specific Vision and Mission, to gather, organize, identify and unify the so mentioned I have non-existent scientific community of Fingerprints. Our rapid growth is due to the fact that we are an Association that puts collective interests before corporate ones and fights for the common good, knowing that unity is strength, and that it is the only way to achieve our dreams in favor of fingerprint science and be professionally recognized.


Since our constitution we have gone through stages of growth that entail greater responsibilities on the part of the members, one of them was to receive a value for bonding, something that was not well received, generating unjustified and misinterpreted criticism by those who do not visualize their growth. It is necessary to seek resources for its maintenance and the search for resources to be able to offer incentives to its members, due to this the proposal was reconsidered and the bonding fee for private and private experts remained and Free for official experts, this generated an automatic regulation to definitively consolidate the scientific community.


It is important to highlight our achievements that surpass many other organizations that boast of their antiquity and that in the long run do nothing to solve problems, "we do not criticize it is a reality" we have shown that without having a budget but with tenacity and strength from Santander this corporation has accomplished much more than all of them put together, and is proud to highlight its accomplishments, benefiting science and the community by:


-Unification worldwide on the International Fingerprint Day as September 1, “On September 1, 1891, the legal and methodical application of the Fingerprint system created by Juan Vucetich in La Plata, Argentina is commemorated. Argentina is considered  the cradle of Fingerprint. "


  -For the first time in history, an internationally recognized PROFESSIONAL CARD is created to confer scientific and professional endorsement as FORENSIC DACTILOSCOPIST to experts affiliated with the CCIDD, for life and free of charge.


  -Creation of the scientific journal MINUCIAS Journal, on September 1, 2012, bimonthly, digital and in PDF format specialized in Fingerprinting, free for all readers who love forensic sciences.  


-In 2013 Virtual Training programs were created to train Experts and Specializations.


-Academic agreement with University endorsement. University of Cuenca Ecuador.


-Our Journal MINUCIAS is undoubtedly the existential life of our corporation and the most important mass media of scientific dissemination on Fingerprinting in Latin America, which fills us with infinite pride, for its quality and professionalism.


This magazine permanently self-redirects with the aim of learning from its mistakes and correcting them, visualizing in the future the precise means for Universities, Institutes and public and private schools, if they so wish, to publish the best degree theses of your Fingerprint students. It is important to mention that as written contributions and documents on fingerprinting diminish, their orientation will be redirected to all articles on Forensic sciences as an open door to the knowledge and comprehensive preparation of every expert in the field of Criminalistics, not closing ourselves to the changes, to evolve day by day, and above all open to the technological and scientific advances that the time demands.


For this reason, it was necessary to strengthen ourselves with strategic alliances of international cooperation with sister countries such as the Republic of Argentina and its Scientific Police, which raises us to the highest level of credibility and professional responsibility, linking all its experts to this corporation and where it is the second nation. with greater representation of the CCIDD, forming a Latin American alliance for the elaboration of the MINUCIAS magazine, sharing our triumphs as a Corporation, since Argentina is the cradle of Fingerprinting and that it should be the most interested in this Corporation subsisting. One of the most important agreements to achieve academic support and strengthen our programs was made with the UNIVERSITY OF CUENCA ECUADOR, initiating the Training of experts and Specializations.


The Journal MINUCIAS is projected as a Forensic science magazine open to change, where the participation of all of you is necessary, a Latin American production, a scientific community committed to fingerprint science.


Long live International Fingerprint Day, long live Minucias Magazine, long live the International Fingerprint Scientific Corporation.


"Let Science shine and our differences disappear"





International Fingerprint Scientific Community, which integrates fingerprint experts from Latin America and Europe, to unify criteria and standardize procedures. 


Barrancabermeja, Colombia.

Legal Status.



For Experts of all entities and trained in the Scientific Corporation.

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